02 April 2015

How I got started with 'project life'

How do i start, where/when do i start; do i start now or last month, last year.  How do i print photos, what size, how do i create collages?...honestly i had so many questions about starting i was a little   overwhelmed. I knew i wanted to do it as a way to make the most out of photos stored on the lappy and phones and to get our stories onto paper; reserving 12x12 layouts for the pictures that deserved their own space.

So i did what i do pretty well and procrastinated (read - researched) via Pinterest. I already had the mignight core kit and design a protectors from the becky higgins project life range, so i started looking for layouts with that collection.  This starting point expanded to similar coloured layouts to whatever took my fancy.

In January this year I decided my starting point would be August 2014. This month was full on for me, with my health and early arrival of my 2nd blue bundle of joy.  Whilst some stories and photos will have their own 12x12 page, there were many photos to share in between. The journaling was my therapy, capturing my thoughts and memories, along with the stories from my family during this time.

I collated my photos from various sources on to my lappy and via picasa selected what would feature this month and began printing. Progress! 

Working with the midnight kit and some other bits and pieces from my stash; I put together my first project life layout - working just one page at a time with no plan or rules; and this is the result:

I love it and I'm hooked! 

Don't read this as it all just fell into place and I did it 15 minutes - hell no.  This page alone probably took me all night. I quickly realised I needed to be more efficient with my time scrapping if this was going to work for me.  Less time choosing supplies more time actually scrapping - that age old battle!  Which has become my current focus but that's a post for another time.

My biggest tip for starting project life is to pick a starting point and just start and see what you come up with.  It doesn't have to be picture perfect or current it just has to be there.

If your reading this - thank you for stopping by

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